Moving through congestion… (read this if you feel STUCK)
Whether it’s health related, business related or traffic related… It’s the same shit different day. We have to stop being confused.
If we want to lift congestion, we have to relieve the amount of mucus, let’s just say in the body, and we need to clear it out.
In the body, we do this by coughing or spitting. This is part of the cycle that we go through to keep ourselves healthy and remove toxins from our body. It’s a brilliant solution and it happens almost organically however, some people don’t let themselves have the release that they need and therefore continue to keep the TOXIN build up in their body.
This same thing applies to your business… If you have too many things going on, and there is too much congestion, you need to remove some of the confusing matters… Maybe you have too many offers or too many contractors, and things are getting disorganized… You need to clear away anything that is not Directly and specifically making you money or bringing your clients. Then you will be able to see things clearly again.
Traffic is so annoying… But often times there are just a couple cars slowing down the rest of the group. It’s important to look all around you, front side, and behind and see if you noticed a pattern of certain cars moving faster than others or larger gaps appearing in certain areas.
This is so important, because often times if you were able to get around the group of slow cars that is being slow down by two or three leading, slow cars… You will be able to find a passage of road in which you can clearly reach your destination at a faster speed. Look around every area of your life, your body, your business, and notice what is holding you back, what is slowing you down and what is not directly being invested into your future growth and development… Get the congestion out of the way so you can move strategically and swiftly in a forward direction.
-Maddie Mackey
CEO of Media On The Rise