Three Tips to Feel More Confident During Your Content shoot!

You want to book a content session with us, but you're feeling a little… anxious. Don't worry, we've all been there!

Here are three tips that we think will help you feel more confident and prepared when booking your session.

1. Dress like YOU.

We know it's tempting to get dressed up for the first time in ages and try out some new makeup techniques, but this isn't the time for that! Wear what makes you feel and look your best—this isn't a time for experimentation. You'll be moving around a lot during your shoot, so it's important to be in something that doesn't make you feel restricted or uncomfortable. If there's one thing we've learned from our years of experience as creators, it's that every person is an individual with their own unique style, taste, and personality—and that's what makes photography so fun! So be true to yourself by wearing what makes you feel most like yourself.

2. Get enough rest and drink water, trust us!

It helps. We know that can be hard to do when you're excited about taking pictures, but just trust us on this one: it's worth it! It helps keep your skin looking fresh and radiant and helps your body feel relaxed for the big day ahead of you! You’ll feel better after the shoot if you show up well-rested and hydrated—and your photos will look better too!

3. Have fun!

Content shoots are a chance to show off your personality and let loose in front of the camera. They're an opportunity for self-expression, which means allowing yourself some wiggle room for experimentation as well as keeping things light and airy so that everyone involved stays relaxed and happy throughout the process! There's no need to be nervous; just have fun and enjoy yourself!

Up-level your branding by using our in-house creators and our skilled creative directors. We create personal branding content for your website and social media profiles, events, as well as product content for the items you sell online or at events. We even help with the post-production work—getting all your photos + videos edited into one beautiful final product that will make your brand shine.

If you're ready to book, head over to our website to book!


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